The college has well equipped ET/Curriculum Lab which serums a safe place for large number of OHP’s, LCD Projector, Smart Board, Laptop, maps, globes, instructional materials, mike system, T.V., audio tapes, video clips, slides, scanner, projection screen, display board, music system, slide projector, speakers, printers, stop watch etc. as part of latest teaching aides for students. OHP’s are set up to facilitate the teaching learning process optimally. There is no need to carry laptop, OHP’s and projectors in the classroom for teachers because we provide all the facilities like computers, internet, laptop, OHP’s projector in the Educational technology Lab. It supports to enhance knowledge of new technology in educational scenario.

Total Equipments

Equipment Name Total Quantity
Monitor (LDC) 9
Mouse 10
Keyboard 10
Mercury Monitor 1
LCT T.V. LG 32" 1
Almeria Big 1
Almeria Medium (Steel TV Cabinet) 2
WoodenBox (Wooden TV Cabinet) 1
Book Almeria 1
T.V. Black & White 1
DVD Player 1
VCR Cassmettes 35
Projector LCD Espon 1
Slide Projector 1
Radio 2
Tape Recorder (Philips) 2
Slide Sheet Box 3
CD Cassettes 38
Sudio Cassettes 60
Mike Set 0
Memory Card (16 GB) 1
Computer Table 1
Student Table Computer 12
Fromm Chair 2
Setup Box 1
Iron Box 1
Wooden Chair 8
Stools 60
Stock Register 1
Extantion Board 6
Cooler 1
Woden Table 3
Mat 1
Fan 6
Tube Light 6
Total 296